
Posts Tagged ‘Small Business in Social media’

Social Media Marketing for Small BusinessesThis month has been a very stressful and gratifying month for Marta. After the incredible success she has generated from her Social Media campaigns promoting our Agroturismo Sant Blai – this has now evolved into a complete service offering small businesses the know-how and (if necessary) manpower to create a presence in Social Media (www.rebuzzna.com)

After 2 years “braying”via Pepper (our PR Donkey) about all the great qualities of Mallorca – nearly 30,000 tweets: images; links; photos and stories throughout Facebook,Twitter, YouTube; Flickr and too many more channels to list here. there is a loyal brigade of over 10,000 followers throughout the world. All replying in Marta’s donkish language (BOL = braying out loud / VID = very important donkey) and hundreds of people arriving at Sant Blai bringing the obligatory carrots for a photoshoot with our Twitter celebrity.

Rebuzzna Marketing and Social Media Reporting servicesMarta has been invited to Social Media conferences all over Spain as an example of  success in this exploding new marketplace for communication and interaction – press and tv coverage started the awareness: The Daily Telegraph; El Mundo; La Economista; Diario de Mallorca; Canal 4; IB3 – the list goes on.

Apart from the benefit of sales for Sant Blai,  incredible liaisons with local suppliers and countless Joint Venture opportunities – the biggest enjoyment of this whole campaign (and I’m just reporting from the sidelines) – has been the hundreds of new contacts; friends and colleagues that we have made along the way. This has been made so much easier by the real power of Transparency that exists within the Social Media community. With so much content available from the millions of people online via blogs; posts; profiles; conversations; photo galleries – you can soon discover many like minded people to your likes and beliefs.

Pepper in El Mundo Rebuzna is Spanish for braying – the new Marketing company is simply carrying on Pepper’s success with promoting Sant Blai and Mallorca and will project similar characters and campaigns into the Social Media Universe for many other small businesses. The double “z” gives emphasis to the “buzz” that the marketing will create.

The genuine friendships and matching of like and complementing talents of many similar people who were also developing their skills and successes through Social Media has also allowed Marta to launch Rebuzzna throughout Spain immediately. Currently there are offices ‘stables’ in Valencia; Tenerife; Madrid; Jerez and of course Mallorca and more to come soon.

I for my part am very proud of Marta’s incredible journey through what are still very new channels of communication. If you or your company need guidance or training through these new mysterious media marketplaces, please feel free to contact us for a free consultation.

Oh and by the way, the rest of the english speaking world will also be catered for, as the Rebuzzna web page will be translated to english in a few days (I wonder who will be running that ‘stable’?)

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